TROOP 151 

Since 1922


Our troop (like all good scout troops) utilizes the patrol method in its operation. This means the boys really do run the troop. The adult leaders provide safety, security, and advancement opportunities, not to mention coaching along the way. Patrols are made up of about eight members. The youth leaders are elected (or re-elected) every six months. As many youth leaders as possible are sent through the council’s junior leader training conference each year. Other training sessions are conducted by the troop, as needed. We want our troop and patrol leaders to be as effective as possible and training is the key.

If our meetings seem chaotic, realize that’s to be expected as it is a natural result of being boy-run! Their idea of productivity is sometimes a little less orderly than ours, but it usually works!


We strongly encourage all of our parents to join our troop committee, which meets at 7:10 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. The committee is the “ways and means” organization for the troop and oversees equipment, funding, and policy. Our annual planning conference is held each August - the boys propose the activities, adults manage the calendar and try to schedule around school, church, and other events. Parents are welcome at all meetings and may accompany us on any outings for which they have the appropriate skills and conditioning.

For more information please contact us!


Troop 151 is very well equipped – we have gear to support a wide variety of outdoor activities. Troop equipment includes stoves, lanterns, tents (both standard and backpacking), chuck boxes, canoes, dutch ovens, backpacks, and equipment trailers. Boys will need only personal gear such as clothing, sleeping bags, and backpacks (but don’t buy a backpack until needed for a specific outing).


This year the boys have chosen a good variety of camping activities and day trips with our main focus being on lightweight camping techniques and hiking. Various service projects are also scheduled throughout the year, including Eagle service projects for the several boys who are working toward Eagle.


Dues for boys are $136 per year or $11.33 per month. This includes National Boy Scout Dues, Scout Insurance, and Troop 151 Dues. Monthly campouts are usually $15 for one night or $25 for two nights, plus any special fees such as admission, usage fees, etc. Summer camp typically ranges from $250 to $350; high adventure options cost more. Scouts can offset these costs by participating in troop fundraisers.

Cost for registered adult volunteers is $46 per year


We camp at least once a month. Most campouts are short-term, usually beginning on a Friday afternoon or evening and ending on Sunday afternoon. Summer camp in June or July and Winter camp over the Winter break are our primary scheduled long-term campouts as a troop.

Check out our calendar for upcoming events


Troop 151 has a philosophy of being focused on outdoor activities (especially camping!) and having fun together. We have found that if we put our energy into these, that the boys’ advancement and growth will follow naturally. We offer a full scouting program wherein he can learn outdoor skills and have a good time. There will be many campouts and other activities where he will learn as part of the adventure, and where he can enjoy fellowship and the friendship of other Scouts.

He will have an opportunity to experience leadership commensurate with his experience, interest, and available opportunities. He’ll learn the skills needed to be a real outdoorsman, and eventually will learn to teach and lead other Scouts. Our Scouts plan and run their own program with encouragement and guidance from the adult leaders.


We expect him to do his best to live according to the Scout Oath & Law, to follow the rules and to obey his leaders so that something can be accomplished at troop meetings and camp outs.

We expect him to be motivated to advance along the trail to Eagle. We want him to feel that he is accomplishing something and the advancement ranks are a visible indication of his progress.

We expect regular participation. This is a must if he is to get the most out of Scouting. Boys who are ambitious and active are the ones who have the most rewarding Scouting experiences.

We expect and encourage his participation in sports and other school and religious activities, but seek a balance between scouting and other activities so that he does not miss meetings and outings.

We expect him to wear his full Scout uniform. A Scout in uniform is proud of his Troop, is better behaved, and feels better about himself.

We are committed to follow policies and procedures of the Boy Scouts of America; especially as regards to safety. We have a large number of trained adult leaders enabling us to support a diverse and high quality program.


TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved